Play therapy helps to decrease the behavioral & emotional difficulties that obstruct a child’s normal functioning and help the child freely express their repressed thoughts. It helps children to learn self-control, to modify behavioral problems and to develop problem-solving skills.
Six months back a Six years old girl was brought to Antara Child Guidance Clinic with complaints of inattention in classrooms, speech articulation difficulties and spontaneous coughing for no reason. She was then referred to the Group Play Therapy Unit at Antara Child Guidance Clinic.
The girl who was poor in both verbal and non-verbal communication and not showing any interest in mixing with others became able to communicate well with others after attending 10 Play Therapy Sessions at ANTARA.
According to our Play Therapists, she was not playing in the group rather she was interested to play alone in the beginning. But now not only she plays with her playmates but also maintains group rules while attending the play sessions.
“She is managing well in social gatherings and Birthday Celebrations. Her bonding with us also improved. She improved a lot on speech articulation and she had overcome her behavioral backlogs as well. Six months back the school authorities called us because of her social behavior and serious problems in her verbal and non-verbal communication and they suggested making arrangement for psychological interventions for her to cope with classroom activities. After six months they again called us but this time there was no complaint rather there was highly positive feedback from the school authority on her overall progress”- her father conveyed.
There are lots of such cases at ANTARA where Play Therapy helped the child to resolve psycho-social challenges and to cope with associated difficulties.
So, if you are looking for Play Therapy services in Kolkata, ANTARA Hospital is among the best Play Therapy Centers located in Kolkata-India where your child will get the best possible care and support.
You may contact us at:
Phone: 033-2437-8484/0593/ 9038844124
Email: antaragram365@gmail.com
Website: www.antaraglobal.org
We would be happy to help your child.
This blog has been Written by – Ms. Shatabdi Datta
*Disclaimer:- The opinion expressed in the blog is the opinion of the writer & not necessarily the opinion of ANTARA Organization.