Pritha, 42 yrs is a primary school teacher in a private school suffering from severe depression. Her family believed that her illness was due to some evil spirits and took her to various shrines but she showed no sign of improvement. She felt like leaving her home and running away, she even attempted suicide several times.
Soon after, one of her school colleagues told her about Antaragram. During that period the Community Mental Health Unit of Antara were doing extensive awareness campaigns near her school at Kanganberia village. She visited health camps and campaigns and enrolled her name with the help of our social workers intervention. She was soon brought to Antara Hospital for further consultation by the Psychiatrist after which she was diagnosed with severe depression. Due to her past history of several suicide attempts she was soon admitted to Antara.
Her medications were timely administered with frequent psychological counseling sessions and proper care by the ward staff. After 6 months of treatment her condition started to improve and she was discharged.
In the later years with proper follow-up and monitoring by our staffs, today Pritha has been advised to stop medication. Today she is happy with her family and has started doing private tuitions.