Kamala Gayen, an 80-year-old woman from Basanti, South 24 Parganas, West Bengal, and her nearly 90-year-old husband, have endured immense hardship. Coming from a disadvantaged background and facing neglect from their children, who have largely abandoned them, their situation grew dire.
Before arriving at Antara, Kamala exhibited severe dementia symptoms, such as forgetfulness, disorientation, and an inability to recognize her family. For three months, she struggled with daily activities and self-care, going missing multiple times before locals traced her via social media. Despite her deteriorating condition, Kamala had no prior access to formal medical treatment.
Kamala and her husband arrived at Antara’s Outreach Clinic in distress, without proper documentation or financial resources, only able to provide their village name. Understanding their vulnerable situation, Antara stepped in and offered them free treatment.
Kamala was diagnosed with dementia, a condition that impairs cognitive function and affects memory, thinking, and social abilities. Dementia is a growing concern among the elderly population in West Bengal.
A comprehensive treatment plan was developed, incorporating psychiatric interventions, medications to manage her symptoms, and social support. Antara’s social workers provided psychoeducation to her family, advocating for Kamala’s needs and conducting crisis interventions. The team also carried out regular home visits to monitor her condition and ensure continued support.
Despite initial setbacks missing follow-up appointments due to physical health issues, Kamala’s condition gradually improved. Antara’s social workers intervened with additional home visits, ensuring the couple received the necessary assistance.
Today, Kamala’s husband occasionally attends follow-ups on her behalf, and she accompanies him when she can. Her psychological condition has notably improved.
Kamala and her husband’s journey is a testament to resilience, as they strive to recover from their sorrows in their twilight years. Their strength is a beacon of hope, reminding us all to stay positive even in the darkest of times.