The Indoor Hospital at Picnic Garden, Calcutta, had run for 10 years as a joint project of Antara and Missionaries of Charity. The contributions donated by St. Mother Teresa amounting to Rs 2,73,756.73 was utilised in the construction of the Men’s Block Ground Floor which has been named Missionaries of Charity Ward.
Cathedral Relief Service associated with Antara inspired by the Late Canon Subir Biswas. The First Floor of the Men’s Block has been reserved for the treatment of acutely ill mental patients. The Rev. D.C Gorai, Bishop of Calcutta, dedicated the building to “The Glory of God and for the Healing of Many” on 13th December 1987.
This outdoor clinic of Antara inaugurated by the Most Rev. Alexander Mar Thoma, Metropolitan of Marthoma Church on 9th November 1991 functions jointly with Janata Medical Service of the Marthoma Church, Kolkata. The amount raised by the members of the church helped in the construction of the second floor of the Men’s Block and is called Mar Thoma Church Ward and used for the treatment and rehabilitation of Alcoholics and Chemical Dependent patients.
The Kolkata Armenian Church became a corporate member in the year 1982 and has contributed for the construction of the Ground Floor ward of the Women’s Block. The Armenian Church Ward for Women was inaugurated on 1st May 1988 by Mr. Nefton. A. Basil, Chairman of the Warden’s Committee of the Kolkata Armenian Church.